On November 4–5, 2024, the Técnico Innovation Center hosted the 10th edition of PhD Open Days, a vibrant platform for showcasing cutting-edge research. Among the 150 posters presented at the event, twelve were proudly contributed by CERIS PhD students, highlighting the breadth and depth of their research across diverse fields.
This year, CERIS introduced an exciting new initiative: the 1st CERIS Poster Competition, offering a prize of up to 500 Euros to support the winner’s participation in a conference of their choice. By encouraging such participation, the CERIS Executive Board underscores the importance of events like Técnico PhD Open Days in fostering networking, knowledge exchange, and engagement with academic peers, industry leaders, and alumni.
Featured CERIS Posters:
CERIS extends its appreciation to the following students for their remarkable contributions:
- Ana Karina Christ: Understanding the relationship between perceived and objective bicyclist safety
- Carla Larissa Fonseca da Silva: Climate Change: Impacts on Extreme Hydrological Events in Portugal
- Dany Azad Kareem Kassim: Carbon-enhanced Alkali-activated Aluminosilicate Industrial Wastes as Full Replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement
- Elżbieta Hamadyk: Sustainable Construction: High-Rise Timber Buildings Requirements During the Life Cycle of the Building
- Fernanda Caroline Magalhães: Adapted scenarios in Atlantic coastal areas to sea level rise with nature-based solutions (NbS)
- Filipa Nunes: Use of reclaimed water for crop irrigation and impact on human health: implementation of two case studies on the Valdeão and the Mutela wastewater treatment plants
- Issa Saket Oskoui: Enhancing Resilient Reservoir Design through the Modified Sequent Peak Algorithm (MSPA 2024)
- Jéssica Deise Bersch: Performance of Mortar Renders Coated with Surface Protective Solutions for 20th-Century Building Façades
- Maria Teresa Ferreira: The Twin Transition in Action: A BIM-based LCA tool
- Mariana Ormeche: Multi-temporal Interferometry for Landslide Displacement Monitoring
- Mauricio Orozco-Fontalvo: Mobility as a service (MaaS) and the role of public authorities
- Seyedsajjad Hosseini: SHELTER — Structural Hyper-resisting Element for Life Threatening Earthquake Risk
Celebrating Excellence:
Congratulations to Elżbieta Hamadyk, who was awarded the CERIS Poster Competition prize for her outstanding and creative work on Sustainable Construction: High-Rise Timber Buildings Requirements During the Life Cycle of the Building. This well-deserved recognition highlights her innovative contribution to sustainable construction.
For more details about the event, visit PhD Open Days – Técnico Lisboa.