Edinburgh, UK – The prestigious Best Paper Award at the ICEC2024 – 2nd RILEM International Conference on Earthen Construction, held at the University of Edinburgh, has been awarded to Jordan Tadonbou for his groundbreaking research paper titled “Optimization of the Performance of Earth Mortars at Elevated Temperatures.” The paper is a collaborative effort co-authored by Jordan Tadonbou, Prosper Pliya, Anne-Lise Beaucour, Paulina Faria, and Albert Noumowe as part of the EUTOPIA project.
Jordan Tadonbou, a PhD student at CERIS, has been co-supervised by CERIS member Professor Paulina Faria. His award-winning research focuses on enhancing the durability and performance of earth mortars when subjected to high temperatures, a crucial aspect for the advancement of sustainable construction practices.
The ICEC2024 conference, a significant event in the field of earthen construction, brought together leading researchers, industry experts, and academics to discuss innovations and challenges in the use of earth as a building material. Tadonbou’s work stood out for its innovative approach and potential impact on the future of sustainable building technologies. Tadonbou’s achievement highlights the ongoing commitment of CERIS and its researchers to advancing the field of sustainable construction.