07:00 UTC | 08:00 London | 09:00 Madrid | 12:30 New Delhi | 15:00 Beijing | 17:00 Sydney | 00:00 Los Angeles | 03:00 New York
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
This session provides an open forum where interested particupants discuss the future of Instrumentation and Experimental Methods.
All themes are welcome, including (but not restricted to):
social impacts related to the nexus affordability/reliability of instrumentation;
scientific issues such as the future development of data science leading to building, curating and make sense of global databases, merging of data, numerically produced or acquired from nature, data assimilation, data-driven models employing AI and synthetic data;
management or political issues such as data ownership, especially in trans-boundary systems, in the drinking water or wastewater sectors or other industries.
IAHR (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research), founded in 1935, is a worldwide independent organisation of engineers and water specialists working in fields related to the hydro-environmental sciences and their practical application.
The Experimental Methods and Instrumentation is one of the Technical Committees of IAHR (https://www.iahr.org/index/committe/1). Its current Chair is Rui M.L. Ferreira, a researcher of CERIS and professor of DECivil, Instituto Superior Técnico. CERIS researcher Rui Aleixo is a former Chair and member of the Leadership Team and CERIS researcher Ana Margarida Ricardo is a current member of the Leadership Team.
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