
General Info

Instituto Superior Técnico
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitectura e Ambiente
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António Heleno Cardoso

Full Professor

Domain of activity:

  • Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics;
  • River Hydraulics.

Present research topics:

  • Local scour at bridge piers and abutments;
  • morphodynamics of river confluences.
Title Authors Year Volume DOI Journal Impact factor Clar.Analytics CERIS Members
Optimizing the Desilting Efficiency of Submerged Vane Fields at Lateral Diversions Gumgum, F.; Cardoso, A.H. 2023 V. 149, n.º 1 (art. 4022031) 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0002030 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering António Heleno Cardoso
Hydro-Morphodynamics of an Open-Channel Confluence With Bed Discordance at Dynamic Equilibrium Canelas, O.B.; Ferreira, R.M.L.; Cardoso, A.H. 2022 V. 58, n.º 1 (art. e2021WR029631) 10.1029/2021WR029631 Water Resources Research 6.159 António Heleno Cardoso, Rui Miguel Lage Ferreira, Olga Birjukova Canelas
Effect of a submerged vane-field on the flow pattern of a movable bed channel with a 90? lateral diversion Baltazar, J.; Alves, E.; Bombar, G.; Cardoso, A.H. 2021 V. 13, n.º 6 (art. 828) 10.3390/w13060828 Water 3.103 António Heleno Cardoso
On Local Scouring at Single Piers Cardoso, A.H., Fael, C.M.S., Lança, R.M.M. 2021 V. 11; n.º 1 10.52460/src.2021.006 Scientific Research Communications António Heleno Cardoso
Effect of the sediment discharge on the equilibrium bed morphology of movable bed open-channel confluences Bombar, G.; Cardoso, A.H. 2020 V. 367, (art. 107329) , October. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107329 Geomorphology 3,819 António Heleno Cardoso
Three-dimensional flow structure at fixed 70° open-channel confluence with bed discordance Canelas, O.B.; Ferreira, R.M.L.; Guillén-Ludeña, S.; Alegria, F.C.; Cardoso, A.H. 2020 V. 58, n.º 3, (434-446) , -. 10.1080/00221686.2019.1596988 Journal of Hydraulic Research/De Recherches Hydrauliques 2,568 António Heleno Cardoso, Rui Miguel Lage Ferreira
Coupling check dams with large wood retention structures in clean water Meninno, S.; Canelas, R.; Cardoso, A.H. 2020 V. 20, (619-634) , June. 10.1007/s10652-019-09711-y Environmental Fluid Mechanics 1,512 António Heleno Cardoso
Clear-water scour at submerged pile groups Galan, A.; Simarro, G.; Fael, C.; Cardoso, A.H. 2019 V. 17, n.º 1, 101-108, -. 10.1080/15715124.2018.1446964 International Journal of River Basin Management António Heleno Cardoso
Effect of the junction angle on turbulent flow at a hydraulic confluence Penna, N.; de Marchis, M.; Canelas, O.B.; Napoli, E.; Cardoso, A.H.; Gaudio, R. 2018 10, n.º 4 10.3390/w10040469 António Heleno Cardoso
Effect of the junction angle on turbulent flow at a hydraulic confluence Penna, N.; de Marchis, M.; Canelas, O.B.; Napoli, E.; Cardoso, A.H.; Gaudio, R. 2018 V. 10, n.º 4, 469, - 10.3390/w10040469 Water 2,524 António Heleno Cardoso, Olga Birjukova Canelas
Title Authors Year In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] DOI Type CERIS Members
Impact of a Vane-Field on the Turbulence Structure of a 90° Lateral Water Diversion Baltazar, J.Vaz., Bombar, G., Alves, E., Cardoso, A. H. 2022 Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24 June Granada, Spain International António Heleno Cardoso, Joana Vaz Baltazar
Investigation of Vorticity and Coherent Turbulent Structure in a 90° Lateral Water Diversion with and without a Vane-field Baltazar, J.Vaz., Bombar, G., Alves, E., Cardoso, A. H. 2022 River Flow , the 11th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 8-9 November , Ottawa, Kanada International António Heleno Cardoso, Joana Vaz Baltazar
Quadrant Analysis of the Flow Field in a 90° Lateral Water Diversion Öztürk, B., Bombar, G., Cardoso, A.H., Baltazar, J.V. 2022 6th International Students Science Congress, 20-21 May , İzmir, Turkey International António Heleno Cardoso, Joana Vaz Baltazar
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE GEOMETRY OF SCOUR HOLES AROUND A CYLINDER PIER Ebru Taşkaya; Zehra Büyüker; Gökçen Bombar; António Heleno Cardoso 2022 14th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering, ICHE , 26-27 May, , Izmir-Turkey International António Heleno Cardoso
NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF FLOW AROUND AN ISOLATED PIER ON AN INCLINED SURFACE Mete Köken; Emre Hesap; Gökçen Bombar; Şebnem Elçi; Antonio H. Cardoso 2022 14th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering, ICHE , 26-27 May, , Izmir-Turkey International António Heleno Cardoso
Effect of flow contraction on the bridge pier scour evolution Mohammadkhail, W., Bombar, G., Cardoso, A.H. 2022 6th International Students Science Congress, 20-21 May , İzmir, Turkey International António Heleno Cardoso
Bed morphology evolution and 3D-flow field characterization at a lateral water intake Baltazar,J.B.; Alves, E.; Bombar, G. Cardoso, A.H. 2020 Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, p. 585 - 593, Delft, 7-10 July, ISBN: 978-0-367-62773-7 10.1201/b22619 International António Heleno Cardoso
Surface grain size distribution of sediment at confluences Bombar, G; Cardoso, A.H. 2020 6th IAHR Europe Congress, June 30th – July 2nd, 2020, Warsaw, Poland. International António Heleno Cardoso
Review on the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic structure of open channel confluences (in Turkish) Kahraman, S., Taşkaya, E., Bombar, G., Cardoso, A.H. 2020 Proceedings of the 4th International Students Science Congress,September, 18-19, İzmir, Turkey. International António Heleno Cardoso
Experimental investigation of souring around cylindrical Bridge piers of different diameters (in Turkish) Kılınç, B.B.; Bombar, G.;Cardoso, A.H. 2020 International Engineering Symposium/Engineering Applications in Industry, December, 5 - 13, Izmir, Turkey International António Heleno Cardoso
Morphodynamic differences induced by a widening of the tributary channel in a river confluence Abreu, P.M.; Bombar, G.; Cardoso, A. H. 2018 13rd International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, ACE, September, Çeşme, Türkiye. International António Heleno Cardoso
Effect of the sediment transport ratio on the bed morphology of movable bed open-channel confluences Bombar, G.; Cardoso, A.H. 2018 5th IAHR Europe Congress, June, Trento, Italy International António Heleno Cardoso
Influence of floodplain and riparian vegetation in the conveyance and structure of turbulent flow in compound channels Fernandes, J.N.; Leal, J.B.; Cardoso, A.H. 2018 9th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2018; Lyon-Villeurbanne; France; 5-8 September. International António Heleno Cardoso
The assessment of the bioavailability of metals through ingestion and inhalation pathways Jubany, I.; Casasa, S.; Bahía, N.; Condesso de Melo, M.T.; Barreiras, N.; Soubrand, M.; Joussein, E.; Monneron, M. 2018 Contaminated Site Management in Europe: Sustainable Remediation and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water (CSME-2018) & Oxidation and Reduction Technologies for Treatment of Soil and Groundwater (EORTs-2018): University of Lorraine, Nancy (France), October 22-25. International António Heleno Cardoso
A Numerical And Experimental Study on the Flow Field in an Open Channel Kılınç, B., Aksen, M. Bahadıroğlu, N., Bombar, G., Elçi, Ş., Köken, M., Cardoso, A. H. 2018 13rd International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, ACE, September, 2018, Çe?me, Türkiye. International António Heleno Cardoso
Coupling check-dams with retaining structures for large wood in streams: evidences in clear water Meninno, S., Canelas, R.B.; Cardoso, A.H. 2018 Proceedings of the V IAHR Europe Congress, Trento, June. International António Heleno Cardoso
Experimental study of the influence of inlet and outlet conditions on the flow pattern of a rectangular shallow reservoir Miranda, D.A.; Reis, A.M.; Alves, E.; Cardoso, A.H.; Coelho, M.M.L.P 2018 7th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, ISHS, pp: 567-576; Aachen; Germany; 15 -18 May. International António Heleno Cardoso
Student Name Supervisor External Supervisor Co-Supervisors External Co-Supervisor #1 External Co-Supervisor #2 Title PhD Programme Universities Granting Title Funding Institution Scholarship Total PhD Funding PhD Funding for CERIS Begining Date End Date Year
PDF Joana Vaz Baltazar Elsa Cristina Tavares Lourenço Alves António Heleno Cardoso Sediment control at lateral water intakes through submerged vane-fields. Civil Engineering IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 43160 45110 2023
PDF Daniel Augusto de Miranda Elsa Cristina Tavares Lourenço Alves António Heleno Cardoso Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of the positioning of the inlet and outlet channels on flow patterns and sediment deposition in shallow reservoirs. Civil Engineering IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal), UFMG – Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT scholarship PD/BD/135219/2017 - H2DOC PhD program 42984 43644 2019
PDF Olga Birjukova Canelas António Heleno Cardoso Rui Miguel Lage Ferreira Lúcia Teixeira Couto Garcia Ribeiro Experimental Study of Flow Dynamics on Movable Bed Open-Channel Confluences. Civil Engineering IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT scholarship SFRH/BD/52482/2014 - H2DOC PhD program 41759 43775 2019
Name Reference Type PI Names CERIS Coordinator Research Group Other CERIS Members Leading Institution Other Institutions Funding Institutions Total Funding Funding for Ceris Beginning Date End Date State Website
PDF MIXFLUX – Mixing Layers in Fluvial Systems PTDC/ECI-EGC/31771/2017 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031771 National António Heleno Cardoso Rui Miguel Lage Ferreira LNEC – National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (Portugal) COMPETE 2020, FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal 2020 237340,7 15748,9 2018/08/10 2022/08/09
PDF MORPHEUS – River Bed Morphology and Erosion Studies PTDC/ECM-HID/6387/2014 National Rui Miguel Lage Ferreira António Heleno Cardoso, Rodrigo de Almada Cardoso Proença de Oliveira, Ana Margarida da Costa Ricardo, Daniel André Silva Conde FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Portugal) FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 198501 93009 2016/07/01 2020/06/30
PDF STEEP STREAMS – Solid Transport Evaluation and Efficiency in Prevention: Sustainable Techniques of Rational Engineering and Advanced Methods WATERJPI/0006/2014 International António Heleno Cardoso Ricardo Jorge Fonseca Canelas, Jorge de Saldanha Gonçalves Matos, Sabrina Mennino University of Trento (Italy) ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2014 669244 149580 2016/05/18 2018/05/18
Title Authors Year Book Series Publisher Edition DOI ISBN/ISSN CERIS Members
Hidráulica: Fundamentos e Aplicações. Volume I Cardoso, A.H.; Covas, D.I.C.; Ferreira, R.M.L.; Almeida, A.B. 2021 Coleção Ensino da Ciência e da Tecnologia, 73 IST Press 1 978-989-8481-81-8 Dídia Isabel Cameira Covas, António Heleno Cardoso, Rui Miguel Lage Ferreira