General Info

IST-ID, Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitectura e Ambiente
Research Group:
Environment and Water Resources
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Contact Info

Av. Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa - Portugal

Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando


Title Authors Year Volume DOI Journal Impact factor Clar.Analytics CERIS Members
Addressing the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Heatwaves in Portugal with a Validated ERA5-Land Dataset (1980–2021) Espinosa, L.A.; Portela, M.M.; Moreira Freitas, L.M.; Gharbia, S. 2023 V. 15, n.º 17 (art. 3102) 10.3390/w15173102 Water 3.4 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Drought Characterization in Croatia Using E-OBS Gridded Data Santos, J.F.; Tadic, L.; Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; Brlekovic, T. 2023 V. 15, n.º 21 (art. 3806) 10.3390/w15213806 Water 3.4 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Grid-Point Rainfall Trends, Teleconnection Patterns, and Regionalised Droughts in Portugal (1919–2019) Espinosa, L.A.; Portela, M.M. 2022 V. 14, n.º 12 (art. 1863) 10.3390/w14121863 Water 3.530 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Climate Change Trends in a European Coastal Metropolitan Area: Rainfall, Temperature, and Extreme Events (1864–2021) Espinosa, L.A.; Portela, M.M.; Matos, J.P.; Gharbia, S. 2022 V. 13, n.º 12 (art. 1995) 10.3390/atmos13121995 Atmosphere 3.110 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando, José Pedro Gamito de Saldanha Calado Matos
Regionalization of droughts from the SPI in the Segura hydrographic basin and Commonwealth of Taibilla Channels (Southeast of Spain) [Regionalización de sequías a partir del SPI en la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Segura y Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla (sureste de España)] Álvarez, V.R.; Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; Marín, R.G.; Serrato, F.B.; Álvarez, M.R. 2021 n.º 88 10.21138/BAGE.3045 Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles 1,748 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Bivariate modelling of a teleconnection index and extreme rainfall in a small north atlantic island Espinosa, L.A.; Portela, M.M.; Filho, J.D.P.; Zelenakova, M. 2021 V. 9, n.º 5 (art. 86) 10.3390/cli9050086 Climate Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Rainfall trends over a North Atlantic small island in the period 1937/1938–2016/2017 and an early climate teleconnection Espinosa, L.A.; Portela, M.M.; Rodrigues, R. 2021 V. 144, n.º 1-2 (469-491) 10.1007/s00704-021-03547-7 Theoretical and Applied Climatology 3.179 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Updated rainfall series and their trends for mainland Portugal (1913-2019) Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; Zelenakova, M. 2021 V. 250 (3-12) 10.2495/WRM210011 WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 0.490 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Title Authors Year In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] DOI Type CERIS Members
Changes in Trends and Teleconnection for a Gridded Rainfall Dataset for Portugal. Espinosa, L. A.; Portela, M.M. 2023 16º Congresso da Água, Centro de Congressos do LNEC, Lisboa. 21 a 24 de março de 2023. National Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Regionalização e análise da frequência das secas em Portugal Continental. Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A. 2023 16º Congresso da Água, Centro de Congressos do LNEC, Lisboa. 21 a 24 de março de 2023. National Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Fenómenos hidrológicos extremos associados à temperatura do ar na área metropolitana de Lisboa. Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; Matos, J. P. 2023 16º Congresso da Água, Centro de Congressos do LNEC, Lisboa. 21 a 24 de março de 2023. National Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando, José Pedro Gamito de Saldanha Calado Matos
Heatwaves in Portugal: An Analysis Using ERA5-Land Reanalysis Data (1980-2021) Espinosa, L.A.; Portela, M.M.; Freitas, L. & Gharbia, S. 2023 9º Seminário do Núcleo Regional do Norte. APRH. FEUP, Porto (Portugal), 16 November 2023. National Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Long-Term and recent increase in regionalised drought occurrences in Portugal. ESPINOSA, L., PORTELA, M.M. 2023 XII Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua, pp. 404-409, Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia; Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua, Murcia, Spain. International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Trends fluctuation and teleconnection for a 100-year gridded rainfall dataset in Portugal. ESPINOSA, L.A., FREITAS, L.M., PORTELA, M.M. 2023 XII Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua, pp. 398-403, Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia; Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua, Murcia, Spain. 10.6018/editum.3003 International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Generalised Increasing Frequency and Intensity of Tmax Heatwaves in Portugal in the Last Four Decades (1980-2021). Espinosa, L.A.; & Portela, M.M. 2023 12th World Congress of EWRA on Water Resources and Environment, 27 June – 1 July 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece (pp. 33-34). ISBN: 978-618-84419-1-0. International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Portugal's Heatwaves: Trends and Regional Variations (1980-2021). Espinosa, L.A.; & Portela, M.M. 2023 4th The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) Young Professionals Congress 22-24 November 2023 (Online). International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
ERA5-Land Reanalysis Temperature Data Addressing Heatwaves in Portugal. Espinosa, L.A.; Freitas, L.; & Portela, M.M. 2023 Proceedings of the INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury – INCREaSE 2023 (Faro, Portugal, 5-7 July 2023). Institute of Engineering, University of Algarve, Penha Campus. International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Temporal Changes in Annual Climatological Series in a Coastal City. Espinosa, L.A.; Portela, M.M.; & Matos, J.P. 2023 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts 21 – 25 August 2023, Vienna, Austria. Edited by Helmut Habersack, Michael Tritthart and Lisa Waldenberger. 2023 IAHR – International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research. International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando, José Pedro Gamito de Saldanha Calado Matos
Exploratory Analysis of ERA5-Land Data to Characterize Heatwaves in the Region of Lisbon, Portugal. Freitas, L.; Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; & Matos, J. P. 2023 VI Congresso Internacional de Riscos | VI International Congress on Risks (Coimbra, Portugal, May, 2023). International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando, José Pedro Gamito de Saldanha Calado Matos
ERA5-Land Data Versus Ground Data: Precipitation at Four Locations in Portugal. Freitas, L.; Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; & Matos, J.P. 2023 4th The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) Young Professionals Congress 22-24 November 2023 (Online). International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando, José Pedro Gamito de Saldanha Calado Matos
Case Studies Lessons learned from the Living Labs established to Tackle Climate Change and Ocean Literacy Oliveira, A.M.; Marques, T.R.; Vaz, T.; Portela, M.M.; & Espinosa, L.A. 2023 Open Living Lab Days 2023 (Barcelona, Spain, September, 2023 International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
The Increasing Frequency of Heatwaves and Extreme Droughts in the Lisbon Area, Portugal. Portela, M.M.; & Espinosa, L.A. 2023 12th World Congress of EWRA on Water Resources and Environment, 27 June – 1 July 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece (pp. 33-34). ISBN: 978-618-84419-1-0. International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
The Accelerating Frequency of Extreme Weather Events in Lisbon, Portugal. Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; & Gharbia, S. 2023 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts 21 – 25 August 2023, Vienna, Austria. Edited by Helmut Habersack, Michael Tritthart and Lisa Waldenberger. 2023 IAHR – International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research. International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Análise do Comportamento da Precipitação em Portugal Continental Entre Outubro De 1913 e Setembro De 2019 (106 Anos Hidrológicos). Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; & Zelenakova, M. 2023 VI Congresso Internacional de Riscos | VI International Congress on Risks (Coimbra, Portugal, May, 2023). International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Rainfall Trends in Southern Portugal at Different Time Scales Portela M.M., Espinosa L.A., Studart T., Zelenakova M. 2020 INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury - INCREaSE 2019. Faro. Portugal. In: Monteiro J. et al. (eds) INCREaSE 2019. Springer, Cham, p.3-19,, ISBN 978-3-030-30937-4; Online ISBN 978-3-030-30938-1, ISBN 978-3-030-30937-4; Online ISBN 978-3-030-30938-1 International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Nomographs in flood forecasting. Application to portuguese catchments. Espinosa-Villalpando, L.; Portela, M.M.; Rodrigues, R. 2018 14º Congresso da Água, Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos (APRH), 7-9 março 2018, Évora, Portugal. National Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando
Name Reference Type PI Names CERIS Coordinator Research Group Other CERIS Members Leading Institution Other Institutions Funding Institutions Total Funding Funding for Ceris Beginning Date End Date State Website
PDF Hydrological risk: from excess to scarcity of water SK-PT-18-0008 International Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Portugal and Slovakia) 4600 2019/01/15 2022/12/31
Title of Chapter Title of Book Authors (all, including CERIS members) Editors (all, including CERIS members) Year Book Series Publisher Edition DOI ISBN/ISSN CERIS Members
ERA5-Land Reanalysis Temperature Data Addressing Heatwaves in Portugal INCREaSE 2023. Proceedings of the 3rd INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI CEntury Espinosa, L.A.; Portela, M.M.; Matos, J.P. Semião, J.F.L.C.; Sousa, N.M.S.; Sousa da Cruz, R.M.; Prates, G.N.D. 2023 Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology Springer Cham 1 10.1007/978-3-031-44006-9_7 978-3-031-44006-9 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando, José Pedro Gamito de Saldanha Calado Matos
Rainfall Trends in Southern Portugal at Different Time Scales INCREaSE 2019. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century Portela, M.M.; Espinosa, L.A.; Studart, T.; Zelenakova, M. Monteiro, J.; Silva, A.J.; Mortal, A.; Aníbal, J.; Moreira da Silva, M.; Oliveira, M.; Sousa, N. 2020 Springer Cham 1 10.1007/978-3-030-30938-1_1 978-3-030-30938-1 Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Luis Angel Espinosa Villalpando