General Info
Institution:Instituto Superior Técnico Department:
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitectura e Ambiente Ciência ID:
F01D-E83A-8B19 Orcid:
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7574-1458 Research ID:
https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/2415179 Scopus ID:
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=53163397300 ResearchGate:
Contact Info
Address:Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa - Portugal
Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço
Territorial Engineer as of 2000 (IST). MsC in Urbanism and Spatial Planning (IST, 2017). Engineer and urban planner (infrastructures, land use and strategic planning) from 2000 to 2018. Currently a PhD Student in Territorial Engineering at IST-UL, with an FCT scholarship.
Research interests: spatial analysis, location theory, commercial location, planning policies.
Research interests: spatial analysis, location theory, commercial location, planning policies.
Title | Authors | Year | Volume | DOI | Journal | Impact factor Clar.Analytics | CERIS Members |
Commercial classification and location modelling: Integrating different perspectives on commercial location and structure | Colaço, R.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2021 | V. 10, n.º 6 (art. 567) | 10.3390/land10060567 | Land | 3.395 | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço |
Title | Authors | Year | In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] | DOI | Type | CERIS Members |
Interactions Between Online Shopping, In-store Shopping and Weekly Travel Behavior: An Analysis Before and in the Aftermath of COVID-19 in Lisbon, Portugal. | Colaço, R. & de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2023 | Actas do TRB 102nd Annual Meeting, 8-12 de Janeiro, Washington DC. | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço | |
Are we moving online? An analysis of COVID-19 impacts on telecommuting: consequences for urban planning. | Colaço, R., Kappler, L.B., de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2023 | AESOP Annual Congress 2023, 11th to 15th July 2023, Lodz, Poland. | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço, Laísa Braga Kappler | |
Assessing Online Shopping Adoption for Retail Purchases and Meal Deliveries Using a 7-Day Shopping Survey | Colaço, Rui & de Abreu e Silva, João | 2022 | Actas do TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço | |
Intrapersonal variability and underreporting – comparing a one-week shopping survey with a one-day travel survey | Colaço, Rui & de Abreu e Silva, João | 2022 | Actas da 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, 20 a 25 de Março, Vimeiro, Portugal | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço |
Name | Reference | Type | PI Names | CERIS Coordinator | Research Group | Other CERIS Members | Leading Institution | Other Institutions | Funding Institutions | Total Funding | Funding for Ceris | Beginning Date | End Date | State | Website | |
REMOBIL – REthinking MOBILity, location patterns and urban form after the COVID19 pandemic. The effects of telework and e-shopping | PTDC/ECI-TRA/4841/2021 | National | João António de Abreu e Silva | Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço, Laísa Braga Kappler | IST-ID – Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 245592 | 150421,25 | 2022/01/01 | 2025/01/01 |