General Info
Institution:Universidade Lusófona Research Group:
Structures and Geotechnics
Ciência ID:
391E-71CF-9991 Orcid:
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3085-0770 Research ID:
https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1451092 Scopus ID:
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=26321771600 ResearchGate:
Contact Info
Ionut Dragos Moldovan
Assistant Professor
Domain of activity:
- Computational mechanics;
- Geomechanics;
- Numerical methods;
- Hybrid finite element formulations.
Present research topics:
- Hybrid-Trefftz finite elements for acoustic, heat transfer and structural transient problems;
- Hybrid finite elements for non-linear problems;
- Automatic p-adaptive algorithms;
- Dual Reciprocity Method for non-homogeneous boundary value problems;
- Wave propagation in geomaterials;
- Coupled numerical-experimental techniques for dynamic characterization of geomaterials.
Title | Authors | Year | Volume | DOI | Journal | Impact factor Clar.Analytics | CERIS Members |
Transfer Learning to Enhance the Damage Detection Performance in Bridges When Using Numerical Models | Figueiredo, E.; Omori Yano, M.; Da Silva, S.; Moldovan, I.; Adrian Bud, M. | 2023 | V. 28, n.º 1 (art. 4022134) | 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001979 | Journal of Bridge Engineering | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Elói João Faria Figueiredo | |
A Roadmap for an Integrated Assessment Approach to the Adaptation of Concrete Bridges to Climate Change | Figueiredo, E.; Santos, L.O.; Moldovan, I.; Kraniotis, D.; Melo, J.; Dias, L.; Coelho, G.B.A. | 2023 | V. 28, n.º 6 (art. 3123002) | 10.1061/JBENF2.BEENG-5735 | Journal of Bridge Engineering | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Elói João Faria Figueiredo | |
Transfer Learning for Structural Health Monitoring in Bridges That Underwent Retrofitting | Omori Yano, M.; Figueiredo, E.; da Silva, S.; Cury, A.; Moldovan, I. | 2023 | V. 13, n.º 9 (art. 2323) | 10.3390/buildings13092323 | Buildings | 3.8 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Elói João Faria Figueiredo |
Reliability of probabilistic numerical data for training machine learning algorithms to detect damage in bridges | Bud, M.A.; Moldovan, I.; Radu, L.; Nedelcu, M.; Figueiredo, E. | 2022 | V. 29, n.º 7 (art. e2950) | 10.1002/stc.2950 | Structural Control & Health Monitoring | 6.058 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Elói João Faria Figueiredo |
Hybrid-Trefftz displacement elements for three-dimensional elastodynamics | Climent, N.; Moldovan, I.D.; Bendea, E.D. | 2022 | V. 70, n.º 6(1083-1105 | 10.1007/s00466-022-02224-4 | Computational Mechanics | 4.391 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Natàlia Climent Pera , Elena Daniela Bendea |
Three-dimensional hybrid-Trefftz displacement elements for poroelastodynamic problems in saturated media | Climent, N.; Moldovan, I.D.; Freitas, J.A. | 2022 | V. 123, n.º 12(2919-2958 | 10.1002/nme.6965 | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | 3.021 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Natàlia Climent Pera |
Damage Detection Approach for Bridges under Temperature Effects using Gaussian Process Regression Trained with Hybrid Data | Da Silva, S.; Figueiredo, E.; Moldovan, I. | 2022 | V. 27, n.º 11 (art. 4022107) | 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001949 | Journal of Bridge Engineering | 3.385 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Elói João Faria Figueiredo |
Smartphone Application for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges | Figueiredo, E.; Moldovan, I.; Alves, P.; Rebelo, H.; Souza, L. | 2022 | V. 22, n.º 21 (art. 8483) | 10.3390/s22218483 | Sensors | 3.847 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Elói João Faria Figueiredo |
A local frequency-dependent absorbing boundary condition for unsaturated porous media based on the theory of mixtures with interfaces | Moldovan, I.D. | 2022 | V. 155 (art. 107187) | 10.1016/j.soildyn.2022.107187 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 4.250 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Direct boundary method toolbox for some elliptic problems in FreeHyTE framework | Borkowski, M.; Moldovan, I.D. | 2021 | V. 125 (208-217) | 10.1016/j.enganabound.2021.01.013 | Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements | 2.964 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
A hybrid-Trefftz finite element platform for solid and porous elastodynamics | Moldovan, I.D.; Climent, N.; Bendea, E.D.; Cismasiu, I.; Gomes Correia, A. | 2021 | V. 124 (155-173) | 10.1016/j.enganabound.2020.12.014 | Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements | 2.964 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Natàlia Climent Pera , Ildi Cismasiu |
Optimisation of receiver's location in bender element experiments using computational wave filtration | Moldovan, I.D.; Correia, A.G. | 2021 | V. 143 (art. 106591) | 10.1016/j.soildyn.2021.106591 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 4.250 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
On rank-deficiency in direct Trefftz method for 2D Laplace problems | Borkowski, M.; Moldovan, I.D. | 2019 | V. 106, 102-115, September. | 10.1016/j.enganabound.2019.05.003 | Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements | 2,243 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Finite element–based machine-learning approach to detect damage in bridges under operational and environmental variations | Figueiredo, E.; Moldovan, I.; Santos, A.; Campos, P.; Costa, J.C.W.A. | 2019 | V. 24, n.º 7, -, July. | 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001432 | Journal of Bridge Engineering | 1,84 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Hybrid-Trefftz finite elements for non-homogeneous parabolic problems using a novel dual reciprocity variant | Moldovan, I.; Coutinho, A.; Cismaşiu, I. | 2019 | V. 106, 228-242, September. | 10.1016/j.enganabound.2019.05.012 | Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements | 2,243 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
FreeHyTE: a hybrid-Trefftz finite element platform | Moldovan, I.D.; Cismaşiu, I. | 2018 | V. 121, 98-119, July | 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2018.03.014 | Advances in Engineering Software | 4,194 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Title | Authors | Year | In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] | DOI | Type | CERIS Members |
Utilização de modelos numéricos para a otimização dos ensaios dinâmicos com transdutores piezoelétricos | Moldovan ID, Gomes Correia A | 2023 | 18º Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia (18CNG), Maio 2023, Évora, Portugal, ISBN: 978-989-54038-9-9. | National | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | |
Hybrid Training of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Damage Identification in Bridges. | Bud, M.A.; Moldovan, I.D.; Nedelcu, M.; Figueiredo, E. | 2023 | Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, (Palermo, Italy, ) | 10.1007/978-3-031-07322-9_49 | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Elói João Faria Figueiredo |
Does Climate Change Impact Long-Term Damage Detection in Bridges? | Figueiredo, E.; Peres, N.; Moldovan, I.; Nasr, A. | 2023 | Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. | 10.1007/978-3-031-39117-0_44 | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Nuno Rafael da Silva Peres, Elói João Faria Figueiredo |
A Toolbox for the Automatic Interpretation of Bender Element Tests in Geomechanics | Moldovan, I.D.; Almukashfi, A.; Gomes Correia, A. | 2023 | Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering | 10.1007/978-3-031-20241-4_10 | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Coupled experimental and numerical approaches in bender element testing of geomaterials. | Moldovan, ID; Gomes Correia A, Climent N, Almukashfi A, Roshan MJ, Arroyo M | 2023 | 10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (London, UK, 2023). | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | |
A modified Rowe cell for echo dynamic testing of soils and interfaces | Almukashfi A, Castellanza RP, Gomes Correia A, Arroyo M, Moldovan ID | 2022 | Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering (Lisbon, Portugal) | https://sites.google.com/fct.unl.pt/teste2022en | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
FreeHyTE - a hybrid-Trefftz finite element platform for solid and porous elastodynamic | Bendea ED, Moldovan ID, Climent N, Cismasiu I, Gomes Correia A | 2022 | Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wave Mechanics and Vibrations (Lisbon, Portugal, ) | https://zdim29.wixsite.com/wmvc2022 | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Ildi Cismasiu, Elena Daniela Bendea |
Aplicação de telemóvel para monitorização da integridade de pontes | Figueiredo EJF, Moldovan ID, Alves P, Souza L, Lopes R, Rebelo H, Silva L | 2022 | Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering (Lisbon, Portugal, ) | https://sites.google.com/fct.unl.pt/teste2022en | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Hugo Miguel Bento Rebelo |
A toolbox for the automatic interpretation of bender element tests in geomechanics | Moldovan ID, Almukashfi A, Gomes Correia A | 2022 | Proceedings of the ISIC International Conference Trends on Construction in the Post-Digital Era” (Guimarães, Portugal) | https://icisic2022.com/ | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
A digitalização de estruturas e processos nas infraestruturas de transporte | Moldovan ID, Neves J, Parente M, Gomes Correia A | 2022 | 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, 5-7 de julho de 2022, Lisboa | National | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, José Manuel Coelho das Neves | |
FreeHyTE: a hybrid-Trefftz finite element platform for poroelastodynamic problems | Climent, N.; Moldovan, I.D.; Gomes Correia, A. | 2021 | 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77230-7 | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Natàlia Climent Pera |
Optimisation of receiver's location in bender element tests using advanced computational techniques | Gomes Correia A, Moldovan ID | 2021 | Invited lecture, Workshop on Transportation Geotechnics GDRI-CSU (Changsa, Hunan, China, 2021) | https://www.dropbox.com/s/prez9xxct2y5hve/Workshop%20on%20Transportation%20Geotechnics%28CSU%29.pdf?dl=0 | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Acoplamento de técnicas numéricas e experimentais na caraterização das propriedades dinâmicas de geomateriais | Moldovan ID, Gomes Correia A | 2021 | 17º Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia, 2021 (Lisboa, Portugal, in portuguese) | National | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | |
GeoHyTE: a toolbox for the automatic interpretation of bender element experiments | Moldovan ID, Gomes Correia A, Almukashfi A | 2021 | Transportation Research Congress 2021, (Hangzhou, China, 2021) | https://www.trc-c.org/ | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Automatic interpretation of G0 measurements using bender elements | Moldovan ID, Gomes Correia A | 2020 | Information Technology in GeoEngineering, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2020, pp. 70–83 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-32029-4_6 | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
On the reliability of finite element models for training machine learning algorithms for damage detection in bridges | Bud, M.A.; Nedelcu, M.; Radu, L.; Moldovan, I.D.; Figueiredo, E.J.F. | 2019 | 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, the USA, 2019. | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | |
Hybrid-Trefftz finite elements for transient parabolic problems | Coutinho, A.; Moldovan, I.D.; Cismasiu, I. | 2019 | The Joint International Conference on Trefftz Method IX and Method of Fundamental Solutions V, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019. | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | |
A unified hybrid-Trefftz formulation and its applications | Moldovan, I.D.; Cismasiu, I.; Freitas, J.A.T. | 2019 | The Joint International Conference on Trefftz Method IX and Method of Fundamental Solutions V, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019 | International | João António Teixeira de Freitas, Ionut Dragos Moldovan | |
Coupling experimental and numerical techniques for improving the reliability of bender element experiments | Moldovan, I.D.; Gomes Correia, A. | 2019 | 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2019. | International | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | |
Análise dinâmica da ponte sobre o rio Itacaiúnas | Souza LSH, Lopes RAC, Figueiredo EJF, Moldovan ID, Prazeres PGC, Costa JCWA, Souza JAM, Rabelo JJ, Sousa RFM | 2018 | 60º Congresso Brasileiro do Concreto, 2018 (Foz do Iguaçú, Brasil) | National | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | |
Ensaios dinâmicos e modelação da ponte sobre o Rio Itacaiúnas | Souza, L.; Lopes, R.AC.; Figueiredo, E.J.; Moldovan, I.D.; Souza, J.A.M.; Rabelo, J.J., Sousa RFM, Prazeres PGC, Costa JC | 2018 | Proceedings of Betão Estrutural - BE2018, (Lisbon, Portugal, 2018) | National | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Student Name | Supervisor | External Supervisor | Co-Supervisors | External Co-Supervisor #1 | External Co-Supervisor #2 | Title | PhD Programme | Universities Granting Title | Funding Institution | Scholarship | Total PhD Funding | PhD Funding for CERIS | Begining Date | End Date | Year | |
António Gomes Correia | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | Miguel Azenha | Coupled experimental and numerical approaches for the optimisation and interpretation of bender element experiments in soils. | Civil Engineering | UMinho – University of Minho (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT research project CEN-DynaGeo (PTDC/EAM-GTC/29923/2017) | 43840 | ongoing | |||||||
Elói João Faria Figueiredo | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | João Weyl da Costa | Integration of structural health monitoring into bridge monitoring system in Brazil. | Electrical Engineering | UFPA – Federal University of Pará (Brazil) | Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (Brazil) | 42736 | ongoing | ||||||||
Mihai Nedelcu | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Elói João Faria Figueiredo | Integration of model- and data-based approaches for reliable structural health monitoring of bridges. | Civil Engineering | Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) | Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) | 43475 | ongoing |
Name | Reference | Type | PI Names | CERIS Coordinator | Research Group | Other CERIS Members | Leading Institution | Other Institutions | Funding Institutions | Total Funding | Funding for Ceris | Beginning Date | End Date | State | Website | |
INTENT – Intelligent health monitoring of road infrastructures using bender elements embedded in pavements | 2022.06879.PTDC | National | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | José Manuel Coelho das Neves, Vítor Filipe Silva Antunes, Elói João Faria Figueiredo | ULusófona – Universidade Lusófona (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 249865,58 | 22791 | 2023/03/12 | 2026/03/11 | https://intent.ulusofona.pt/ | |||||
CEN-DynaGeo – Coupled Experimental and Numerical Approaches Toward Reliable Dynamic Characterization of Multi-phase Geomaterials | PTDC/EAM-GTC/29923/2017 | National | Ionut Dragos Moldovan | João António Teixeira de Freitas | IST-ID – Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 233723,75 | 142323,06 | 2018/10/01 | 2022/03/31 | https://sites.google.com/view/cen-dynageo |
Title | Editors (all, including CERIS members) | Year | Book Series | Publisher | Edition | DOI | ISBN/ISSN | CERIS Members |
Condition Assessment of Bridges: Past, Present and Future | Figueiredo, E.J.F.; Moldovan, I.D.; Marques, M.J.M.B. | 2013 | Católica Editora | 978-972-54-0401-0 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |
Title of Chapter | Title of Book | Authors (all, including CERIS members) | Editors (all, including CERIS members) | Year | Book Series | Publisher | Edition | DOI | ISBN/ISSN | CERIS Members |
Hybrid-Trefftz finite elements for non-homogeneous parabolic problems | Trefftz and Fundamental Solution-Based Finite Element Methods | Moldovan, I.D.; Coutinho, A.; Cismasiu, I. | Qin, Q.-H. | 2021 | Bentham Science Publishers | 10.2174/9789814998543121010004 | 978-981-4998-54-3 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Ildi Cismasiu | ||
Unified Hybrid-Trefftz Finite Element Formulation for Dynamic Problems | Advances in Trefftz Methods and Their Applications | Moldovan, I.D.; Cismaşiu, I.; Teixeira de Freitas, J.A. | Alves, C.; Karageorghis, A.; Leitão, V.; Valtchev, S. | 2020 | SEMA SIMAI Springer Series | Springer Cham | 10.1007/978-3-030-52804-1_9 | 978-3-030-52803-4 | João António Teixeira de Freitas, Ionut Dragos Moldovan, Ildi Cismasiu | |
“Bridge Management Systems”. In “Condition Assessment of Bridges: Past, Present and Future” | Figueiredo, E.J.F.; Moldovan, I.D.; Marques, M.J.M.B. | Figueiredo, E.J.F.; Moldovan, I.D.; Marques, M.J.M.B. | 2013 | Católica Editora | 978-972-54-0401-0 | Ionut Dragos Moldovan |