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Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias

Associate Professor

  • Scientific computing,
  • computational mechanics,
  • plasticity and fracture.
Title Authors Year Volume DOI Journal Impact factor Clar.Analytics CERIS Members
Finite strain analysis of limestone / basaltic magma interaction and fracture: Low order mixed tetrahedron and remeshing Areias, P.; Carrilho Lopes, J.; Santos, M.P.; Rabczuk, T.; Reinoso, J. 2019 V. 73, 235-247, January/February. 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2018.09.003 European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids 2,931 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
A simple and robust Coulomb frictional algorithm based on 3 additional degrees-of-freedom and smoothing Areias, P.; Pinto da Costa, A.; Rabczuk, T.; César de Sá, J. 2019 V. 167, art. 103321, December. 10.1016/j.finel.2019.103321 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2,456 António Manuel Figueiredo Pinto da Costa, Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
An objective and path-independent 3D finite-strain beam with least-squares assumed-strain formulation Areias, P.; Pires, M.; Vu Bac, N.; Rabczuk, T. 2019 V. 64, n.º 4, 1115-1131, October. 10.1007/s00466-019-01696-1 Computational Mechanics 3,159 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
A continuous-stress tetrahedron for finite strain problems Areias, P.; Rabczuk, T.; Carapau, F.; Carrilho Lopes, J. 2019 V. 165, 52-64, November. 10.1016/j.finel.2019.07.003 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2,456 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
A dimensional reduction algorithm and software for acyclically dependent constraints Areias, P.; Vidinha-Alves, A.; Pereira dos Santos, M.; Carrilho Lopes, P. 2019 V. 20, n.º 6, 494-513 10.1080/15502287.2019.1566284 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Surface-based and solid shell formulations of the 7-parameter shell model for layered CFRP and functionally graded power-based composite structures Reinoso, J.; Paggi, M.; Areias, P.; Blázquez, A. 2019 V. 26, n.º 15, 1271-1289, -. 10.1080/15376494.2018.1432802 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 2,872 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
A NURBS-based inverse analysis of thermal expansion induced morphing of thin shells Vu-Bac. N.; Duong, T.X.; Lahmer, T.; Areias, P.; Sauer, R.A.; Park, H.S.; Rabczuk, T. 2019 V. 350, 480-510, June. 10.1016/j.cma.2019.03.011 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 4,821 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
General constitutive updating for finite strain formulations based on assumed strains and the Jacobian Areias, P.; Natal Jorge, R.; César de Sá, J.; Rabczuk, T.; Reinoso, J. 2018 143 10.1016/j.finel.2018.01.006 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Fully-coupled piezoelectric assumed-strain least-squares nonlinear shell Areias, P.; Rabczuk, T.; César de Sá, J.; Mota Soares C.A. 2018 131 10.1016/j.tws.2018.07.041 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Effective 2D and 3D crack propagation with local mesh refinement and the screened Poisson equation Areias, P.; Reinoso, J.; Camanho, P.P.; César de Sá, J.; Rabczuk, T. 2018 189 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.11.017 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Finite element analysis of plasma dust-acoustic waves Areias, P.; Sikta, J.N.; dos Santos, M.P. 2018 140 10.1016/j.finel.2017.10.010 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Stable finite element analysis of viscous dusty plasma Areias, P.; Sikta, J.N.; dos Santos, M.P. 2018 35, n.º 3 10.1108/EC-06-2017-0191 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
A multisurface constitutive model for highly cross-linked polymers with yield data obtained from molecular dynamics simulations Areias, P.; Vu-Bac, N.; Rabczuk, T. 2018 14, n.º 1 10.1007/s10999-016-9358-x Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Fracture properties prediction of clay/epoxy nanocomposites with interphase zones using a phase field model Msekh, M.A.; Cuong, N.H.; Zi, G.; Areias, P.; Zhuang, X.; Rabczuk, T. 2018 188 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.08.002 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
General constitutive updating for finite strain formulations based on assumed strains and the Jacobian Areias, P.; Natal Jorge, R.; César de Sá, J.; Rabczuk, T.; Reinoso, J. 2018 V. 143, 32-45, April 10.1016/j.finel.2018.01.006 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2,456 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Fully-coupled piezoelectric assumed-strain least-squares nonlinear shell Areias, P.; Rabczuk, T.; César de Sá, J.; Mota Soares C.A. 2018 V. 131, 631-645, October 10.1016/j.tws.2018.07.041 Thin-Walled Structures 3,488 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Effective 2D and 3D crack propagation with local mesh refinement and the screened Poisson equation Areias, P.; Reinoso, J.; Camanho, P.P.; César de Sá, J.; Rabczuk, T. 2018 V. 189, 339-360, February 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.11.017 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2,908 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Stable finite element analysis of viscous dusty plasma Areias, P.; Sikta, J.N.; dos Santos, M.P. 2018 V. 35, n.º 3, 1230-1249, - 10.1108/EC-06-2017-0191 Engineering Computations 1,247 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Finite element analysis of plasma dust-acoustic waves Areias, P.; Sikta, J.N.; dos Santos, M.P. 2018 V. 140, 38-49, February 10.1016/j.finel.2017.10.010 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2,456 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
A multisurface constitutive model for highly cross-linked polymers with yield data obtained from molecular dynamics simulations Areias, P.; Vu-Bac, N.; Rabczuk, T. 2018 v. 14, n.º 1, 21-36, March 10.1007/s10999-016-9358-x International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 3,143 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Fracture properties prediction of clay/epoxy nanocomposites with interphase zones using a phase field model Msekh, M.A.; Cuong, N.H.; Zi, G.; Areias, P.; Zhuang, X.; Rabczuk, T. 2018 V. 188, 287-299, February 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.08.002 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2,908 Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias
Title Authors Year In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] DOI Type CERIS Members
An objective and path-independent 3D finite-strain beam with least-squares assumed strain Areias, P. 2019 CMN 2019 (2nd July to 4th July 2019) International Pedro Miguel de Almeida Areias