Samuel Ribeiro Matias


Samuel Matias is an MSc Dipl. Civil Engineer with a structural area of expertise. His main domain of interest is related to railway infrastructure, namely slab track systems and its comparison with ballasted tracks performance at a conception, operation and sustainable level for high-speed rail.
Title Authors Year Volume DOI Journal Impact factor Clar.Analytics CERIS Members
Prediction of slab track settlement using an innovative 3D train-track numerical tool: Full-Scale laboratory validation Matias, S.R.; Ferreira, P.A.; Sainz-Aja, J.A.; Pombo, J. 2023 V. 408 (art. 133438) 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.133438 Construction and Building Materials 7.4 Samuel Ribeiro Matias
The role of railway traffic and extreme weather on slab track long-term performance Matias, S.R.; Ferreira, P.A. 2022 V. 322 (art. 126445) 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.126445 Construction and Building Materials 7.693 Patrícia Alexandra Afonso Dinis Ferreira, Samuel Ribeiro Matias
Title Authors Year In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] DOI Type CERIS Members
V2X integration in self-consumption energy management system Matias, S.; Mateus, J.; Pereira, M.; Silva, T.; Furtado, A.; Ziras, C.; Marinelli, M.; Dias, L.; Rodrigues, R.; Morais, H. 2023 IET Conference Proceedings. 10.1049/icp.2023.0437 International Samuel Ribeiro Matias
Numerical modelling of dynamic train/slab track interaction focusing on long-term performance and resiliency to extreme weather events Matias, S., Ferreira, P. A. 2018 Railways 2018 - The Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Civil-Comp Conf. , 3-7th Sept. 2018, Sitges, Spain International Patrícia Alexandra Afonso Dinis Ferreira, Samuel Ribeiro Matias