General Info
Research Group:Studies on Construction
Ciência ID:
831B-833C-3107 Orcid:
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8300-1516 Scopus ID:
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Curriculum vitae
:Curriculum vitae
Rúben Emanuel Cirilo dos Santos
Ruben Santos is a PhD student in Civil Engineering at IST, specializing in Building Information Modelling (BIM). Has been developing his knowledge in the field of Sustainable Construction, Energy Efficiency, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), optimization, and Big Data.
Has a scholarship in the Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (CEris) at IST, where he has been working in BIM, at multi-objective optimization models for energy efficiency based on BIM models and IFC, and also in the integration of smart technology in BIM-based objects.
Furthermore, he is also engaged in the promotion of BIM in Portugal, namely in the field of normalization, being the secretary of CT 197 – BIM. He also has experience in the field of structural design, having practiced in Portugal and United Kingdom.