General Info
Institution:Itecons Research Group:
Structures and Geotechnics
CERIS Coimbra Ciência ID:
AC11‐C7C7‐B127 Orcid:
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5831-1106 Scopus ID:
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Contact Info
Fernando Pedro Simões da Silva Dias Simão
Assistant Professor
Title | Authors | Year | Volume | DOI | Journal | Impact factor Clar.Analytics | CERIS Members |
Direct evaluation of fire resistance for restrained steel columns in frames using consistent rigid-plastic models and energy formulations | Simão, P.D.; Rodrigues, J.P.C. | 2023 | V. 276 (art. 115344) | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115344 | Engineering Structures | João Paulo Correia Rodrigues, Fernando Pedro Simões da Silva Dias Simão | |
A voxels-based Rayleigh-Ritz method for the post-buckling elasto-plastic analysis of restrained steel columns in fire | Simão, P.D.; Rodrigues, J.P.C.; Fernandes, H.D. | 2023 | V. 201 (art. 107736) | 10.1016/j.jcsr.2022.107736 | Journal of Constructional Steel Research | João Paulo Correia Rodrigues, Fernando Pedro Simões da Silva Dias Simão |
Name | Reference | Type | PI Names | CERIS Coordinator | Research Group | Other CERIS Members | Leading Institution | Other Institutions | Funding Institutions | Total Funding | Funding for Ceris | Beginning Date | End Date | State | Website | |
House-Refuge – Development of Better Practices and Rules for Constructions and Surroundings in Areas Prone to Wildland-urban Interface Fires | PCIF/AGT/0109/2018 | National | João Paulo Correia Rodrigues | Julieta Maria Pires António, Fernando Pedro Simões da Silva Dias Simão | ADAI – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 296717,5 | 60300 | 2020/01/01 | 2024/01/14 | https://adai.pt/houserefuge/ |