General Info
Institution:Instituto Superior Técnico Department:
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitectura e Ambiente Ciência ID:
211F-5718-4C83 Orcid:
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1998-5375 ResearchGate:
Contact Info
Renan Siqueira Leite de Andrade
PhD student
Title | Authors | Year | In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] | DOI | Type | CERIS Members |
A Matter of Approach: Analysis of the Flow Refuge Preferences of Iberian Barbels during Pulsed Flows in Flume Conditions | Leite, R.; Costa, M.J.; Merianne, A.; Mameri, D.; Santos, J.M.; Pinheiro, A.N.; Boavida, I. | 2022 | Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2022, 13, 86 | 10.3390/blsf2022013086IAHR | National | António Alberto do Nascimento Pinheiro, Isabel Maria Bento de Matos Boavida, Maria João Ferreira Rodrigues Costa, Renan Siqueira Leite de Andrade |
The Ecopeak4Fish Project: an integrated approach to support self-sustaining fish populations downstream hydropower plants | BOAVIDA, I., SANTOS, J.M., COSTA, M.J., LEITE, R., PORTELA, M.M., GODINHO, F., LEITAO, P., MOTA, R., TUHTAN, J., PINHEIRO, A. | 2022 | 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24 June, Granada, Spain | https://cmswebonline.com/iahr2022/epro/pdf/03-01-028-1160.pdf | International | Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Isabel Maria Bento de Matos Boavida, Maria João Ferreira Rodrigues Costa, Renan Siqueira Leite de Andrade |
EcoPeak4Fish: A Multidisciplinary Project Targeting the Protection of Fish Populations Affected by Hydropeaking | Boavida, I.; Santos, J.M.; Costa, M.J.; Leite, R.; Merianne, A.; Portela, M.M.; Godinho, F.; Leitão, P.; Mota, R.; Tuhtan, J.; et al. | 2022 | Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2022, 13, 85 | 10.3390/blsf2022013085 | National | Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva, Isabel Maria Bento de Matos Boavida, Maria João Ferreira Rodrigues Costa, Renan Siqueira Leite de Andrade |
Name | Reference | Type | PI Names | CERIS Coordinator | Research Group | Other CERIS Members | Leading Institution | Other Institutions | Funding Institutions | Total Funding | Funding for Ceris | Beginning Date | End Date | State | Website | |
SHAREe – Sustainable hydropower to alleviate and reduce environmental externalities | FBR_OC2_18 | International | Isabel Maria Bento de Matos Boavida | António Alberto do Nascimento Pinheiro, Maria João Ferreira Rodrigues Costa, Renan Siqueira Leite de Andrade | IST-ID – Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Portugal) | EEA Grants | 13472,82 | 7173,82 | 2023/01/01 | 2024/06/30 | https://ecopeak4fish.com/side-projects/ |