
General Info

Research Group:
Environment and Water Resources

Contact Info


Osvaldo Jaime Moiambo


Currently ongoing research aims to contribute to the scientific knowledge related to sustainable management technologies of urban faecal sludge.

Research topics:

  • sustainable sanitation systems in developing countries;
  • treatment and management of faecal sludge;
  • integrated models of sludge drying in beds;
  • multivariate analysis applied to the behaviour of faecal sludge in the drying process in beds;
  • sludge valorization.
Title Authors Year Volume DOI Journal Impact factor Clar.Analytics CERIS Members
Modelling faecal sludge dewatering processes in drying beds based on the results from tete, mozambique Moiambo, O.; Mutevuie, R.; Ferreira, F.; Matos, J. 2021 V. 13, n.º 16 (art. 8981) 10.3390/su13168981 Sustainability 3.251 José Manuel de Saldanha Gonçalves Matos, Osvaldo Jaime Moiambo, Filipa Maria Santos Ferreira