
General Info

NOVA School of Science and Tecnology
Department of Civil Engineering
Research Group:
Transportation Systems
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Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo

Assistant Professor

Domain of activity:

  • Pavement management systems;
  • Construction, design and performance of pavement materials;
  • Healing of asphalt mixtures.


Title Authors Year Volume DOI Journal Impact factor Clar.Analytics CERIS Members
Numerical bond assessment of carbon-epoxy stepped-lap joints Biscaia, H.C.; Micaelo, R.; Cornetti, P.; Almeida, R. 2023 V. 289 (art. 109413) 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2023.109413 Engineering Fracture Mechanics Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
The use of bio-oil from biodiesel production for enhancing the bitumen healing Cabette, M.; Micaelo, R.; Pais, J. 2023 V. 409 (art. 134033) 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134033 Construction and Building Materials 7.4 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Extrinsic healing of asphalt mixtures: a review Cabette, M.; Pais, J.; Micaelo, R. 2023 10.1080/14680629.2023.2266506 Road Materials and Pavement Design Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Impact of Rejuvenator-Modified Mastic on Asphalt Mixture Stiffness: Meso-Scale Discrete Element Method Approach Câmara, G.; Azevedo, N.M.; Micaelo, R. 2023 V. 13, n.º 12 (art. 3023) 10.3390/buildings13123023 Buildings 3.8 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Generalised Kelvin contact models for DEM modelling of asphalt mixtures Câmara, G.; Azevedo, N.M.; Micaelo, R.; Silva, H. 2023 V. 24, n.º 1 (art. 2179625) 10.1080/10298436.2023.2179625 International Journal of Pavement Engineering Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
3D DEM model simulation of asphalt mastics with sunflower oil Câmara, G.; Micaelo, R.; Monteiro Azevedo, N. 2023 V. 10, n.º 6(1569-1586 10.1007/s40571-023-00574-1 Computational Particle Mechanics Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Investigating Asphalt Self-Healing with Colorless Binder and Pigmented Rejuvenator Ribeiro, T.; Freire, A.C.; Sá-da-Costa, M.; Canejo, J.; Cordeiro, V.; Micaelo, R. 2023 V. 15, n.º 5 (art. 4556) 10.3390/su15054556 Sustainability 3.9 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Interfacial failure of circular or tubular hybrid bonded joints: A theoretical description Biscaia, H.C.; Carvalho, M.S.; Martins, A.P.; Micaelo, R. 2022 V. 132 (art. 105936) 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105936 Engineering Failure Analysis 3.634 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Emerging anchored FRP systems bonded to steel subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading: A numerical study Biscaia, H.C.; Micaelo, R. 2022 V. 261 (art. 108250) 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2022.108250 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 4.898 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Numerical Analysis on the Bond Performance of Different Anchored Joints under Monotonic and Cyclic Pull-push Loading Micaelo, R.; Carvalho, M.; Almeida, R.; Gao, W.-Y.; Biscaia, H. 2022 V. 8, n.º 1(388-404 10.22055/jacm.2021.38500.3266 Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
On the analysis of uniaxial cyclic strain sweep test results to bituminous binders: stiffness-phase angle curve Micaelo, R.; Jiménez, F.P.; Botella, R.; Miró, R.; Martínez, A.; da Costa, M.S. 2022 V. 55, n.º 3 (art. 90) 10.1617/s11527-022-01936-6 Materials and Structures 4.285 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Effects of the ratio of porosity to volumetric cement content on the unconfined compressive strength of cement bound fine grained soils Santana, T.; Gonçalves, J.; Pinho, F.; Micaelo, R. 2021 V. 6, n.º 7 (art. 96) 10.3390/infrastructures6070096 Infrastructures Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo, Fernando Farinha da Silva Pinho
Analysis of the ageing effect on the cyclic tension–compression loading behaviour of bitumen and mastics Micaelo, R.; Botella, R.; Pérez-Jiménez, F.; Sá da Costa, M. 2020 V. 243, (art. 118275) , May. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118275 Construction and Building Materials 4,419 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Asphalt self-healing with encapsulated rejuvenators: effect of calcium-alginate capsules on stiffness, fatigue and rutting properties Micaelo, R.; Freire, A.C.; Pereira, G. 2020 V. 53, (art. 20) , -. 10.1617/s11527-020-1453-7 Materials and Structures 2,901 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Cyclic performance of adhesively bonded joints using the Distinct Element Method: Damage and parametric analysis Biscaia, H.C.; Micaelo, R.; Chastre, C. 2019 V. 178, art. 107468, December. 10.1016/j.compositesb.2019.107468 Composites Part B: Engineering 6,864 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo, Carlos Manuel Chastre Rodrigues
Comparative study of the effect of long-term ageing on the behaviour of bitumen and mastics with mineral fillers Carl, C.; Lopes, P.; Sá da Costa, M.; Canon Falla, G.; Leischner, S.; Micaelo, R. 2019 V. 225, 76-89, November. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.07.150 Construction and Building Materials 4,046 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Self-healing of asphalt mastic by the action of polymeric capsules containing rejuvenators Al-Mansoori, T.; Norambuena-Contreras, J.; Micaelo, R.; Garcia, A. 2018 161 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.11.125 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Experimental study of the effect of filler on the ductility of filler-bitumen mastics Pereira, L.; Freire, A.C.; Sá da Costa, M.; Antunes, V.; Quaresma, L.; Micaelo, R. 2018 189 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.09.063 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Self-healing of asphalt mastic by the action of polymeric capsules containing rejuvenators Al-Mansoori, T.; Norambuena-Contreras, J.; Micaelo, R.; Garcia, A. 2018 V. 161, 330-339, February 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.11.125 Construction and Building Materials 4,046 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Cyclic loading behaviour of double strap bonded joints with CFRP and aluminium Biscaia, H.; Micaelo, R.; Chastre, C.; Cardoso, J. 2018 V. 774 KEM(36-41 10.4028/ Key Engineering Materials Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo, Carlos Manuel Chastre Rodrigues
Experimental study of the effect of filler on the ductility of filler-bitumen mastics Pereira, L.; Freire, A.C.; Sá da Costa, M.; Antunes, V.; Quaresma, L.; Micaelo, R. 2018 V. 189, 1045-1053, November 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.09.063 Construction and Building Materials 4,046 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Title Authors Year In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] DOI Type CERIS Members
Self-healing Asphalt Roads: Evaluation of Calcium Alginate Capsules with Bio-Oil. Cabette, M.; Micaelo, R.; Pais, J. 2023 Transportation Research Procedia. 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.456 International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Discrete numerical modelling of capsule-asphalt mixture system for self-healing purposes Câmara, G.; Monteiro Azevedo, N., Micaelo, R. 2023 VIII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods PARTICLES 2023, U. Perego, M. Cremonesi, A. Franci (Eds), 9-11 outubro de 2023, Milão (Itália). International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Improving asphalt discrete numerical modelling with realistic particle shapes. Micaelo, R., Monteiro Azevedo, N., Câmara, G. 2023 VIII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods PARTICLES 2023, U. Perego, M. Cremonesi, A. Franci (Eds), 9-11 outubro de 2023, Milão (Itália). International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Non-recoverable compliance of bio-modified asphalt bitumen using oil from biodiesel production Cabette, M., Micaelo, R., Pais, J. 2022 Proceedings - Extended Abstracts - Of the 3rd Conference on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering, Chastre, C., Ribeiro, A., Ribeiro, D., Neves, J., Pinho, F.F.S, Neves, M.G., Biscaia, H., Faria, P., Micaelo, R. (eds.), 21-23 de junho de , Almada (Portugal), ISBN 978-972-99923-5-3, International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Self-healing Asphalt Roads: Evaluation of Calcium Alginate Capsules with Bio Heating Oil Cabette, M., Micaelo, R., Pais, J. 2022 Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA LISBON ), 14-17 de novembro de , Lisboa (Portugal) International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Effect of Bio Heating Oil from Biodiesel Production on Rheological Behaviour of Bitumen Cabette, M., Pais, J., Micaelo, 2022 Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, 28-30 de junho de , Volume 3 – Hoff, Mork & Saba (eds)ISBN 978-1-032-12052-2, DOI: 10.1201/9781003222910-44 10.1201/9781003222910-44 International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
DEM model simulation of asphalt mastics with sunflower oil Câmara, G., Azevedo, N., Micaelo, R. 2022 Proceedings - Extended Abstracts - Of the 3rd Conference on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering, Chastre, C., Ribeiro, A., Ribeiro, D., Neves, J., Pinho, F.F.S, Neves, M.G., Biscaia, H., Faria, P., Micaelo, R. (eds.), 21-23 de junho de , Almada (Portugal), ISBN 978-972-99923-5-3, International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
A DEM generalized Kelvin contact model for predicting damage in asphalt mixtures Câmara, G.; Azevedo, N., Micaelo, R. 2022 Proceedings of the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering CMN , D. Greinei, I. Arias, M. Tur, G. Andrade-Campos, N. Lopes & J. A. Pinho-da-Cruz (Eds), pp. 492-510, 12-14 setembro de , Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Espanha). ISBN 978-84-123222-9-3 International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Caracterização e avaliação do desempenho de misturas betuminosas com agentes encapsulados Micaelo, R. 2022 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, 5-7 de julho de 2022, Lisboa National Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Production and characterization of polymeric capsules containing rejuvenators for asphalt mixtures self-healing purposes Micaelo, R., Caeiro, A., Baltazar, L., Borges, J.P. 2022 Proceedings - Extended Abstracts - Of the 3rd Conference on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering, Chastre, C., Ribeiro, A., Ribeiro, D., Neves, J., Pinho, F.F.S, Neves, M.G., Biscaia, H., Faria, P., Micaelo, R. (eds.), 21-23 de junho de , Almada (Portugal), ISBN 978-972-99923-5-3, International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Modelo de contacto do tipo Kelvin generalizado baseado no MED para a análise da rigidez de mastiques Câmara, G.; Azevedo, N., Micaelo, R. 2021 17º Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia (17CNG), Lisboa, 14-17 de novembro de 2021 (Atas publicadas on-line em National Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
A DEM generalized Kelvin contact model for predicting stiffness of asphalt mixtures Câmara, G.; Azevedo, N., Micaelo, R. 2021 VII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods PARTICLES 2021, P. Wriggers, M. Bischoff, E. Oñate, A. Düster & T. Zohdi (Eds), 4-6 outubro de 2021, Hamburgo (Alemanha) International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Ductility behaviour of filler-bitumen mastics: effect of ageing Sá da Costa, M., Carl, C., Lopes, P., Canon Falla, G., Leischner, S., Micaelo, R. 2020 Proceedings of the 7th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress v1.0, first published 1st July 2020, ISBN: 9789080288461 International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Avaliação do efeito do filer no envelhecimento do betume Carl, C., Lopes, P., Sá da Costa, M., Canon Falla, G., Leischner, S., Micaelo, R. 2019 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, 28-30 de Maio de 2019 National Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
AVALIAÇÃO EXPERIMENTAL DAS PROPRIEDADES TÉRMICAS DE MISTURAS BETUMINOSAS. Micaelo, R.; Neves, J.; Antunes, M.; Aelenei, D. 2019 2º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil, 19-21 Fevereiro, 2019, Porto, Portugal International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
Avaliação de métodos de ensaio para estudo de misturas betuminosas com agentes encapsulados Paciência, E., Micaelo, R.; Freire, A.C 2019 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, 28-30 de Maio de 2019 National Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo, José Manuel Coelho das Neves
Cyclic loading behaviour of double strap bonded joints with CFRP laminates and aluminium Biscaia, H.C., R. Micaelo, C. Chastre and J. Cardoso 2018 17th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics. September 4-6, Seville, Spain. International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo, Carlos Manuel Chastre Rodrigues
A different perspective on the production and application of warm mix asphalt under unfavorable temperature conditions Micaelo, R., Neves, J., Lopes, R., Jesus, A. 2018 Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019, M. Barman et al. (eds.), Transportation and Geotechniques: Materials, Sustainability and Climate, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Proceedings of the 5th GeoChina International Conference 2018 – Civil Infrastructures Confronting Severe Weathers and Climate Changes: From Failure to Sustainability, held on July 23 to 25, 2018 in HangZhou, China. International Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo, José Manuel Coelho das Neves
Student Name Supervisor External Supervisor Co-Supervisors External Co-Supervisor #1 External Co-Supervisor #2 Title PhD Programme Universities Granting Title Funding Institution Scholarship Total PhD Funding PhD Funding for CERIS Begining Date End Date Year
PDF Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo Nuno Monteiro Azevedo Computation tool development for self-healing asphalt mixture modelling. Civil Engineering NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal) 43159 ongoing
Title Editors (all, including CERIS members) Year Book Series Publisher Edition DOI ISBN/ISSN CERIS Members
Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering. From Current to Smart Technologies Chastre, C.; Neves, J.; Ribeiro, D.; Pinho, F.F.S.; Biscaia, H.; Neves, M.G.; Faria, P.; Micaelo, R. 2023 RILEM Bookseries, Volume 41 Springer Cham 1 10.1007/978-3-031-29191-3 978-3-031-29191-3 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo, Maria Paulina Santos Forte de Faria Rodrigues, Fernando Farinha da Silva Pinho, Carlos Manuel Chastre Rodrigues, José Manuel Coelho das Neves, Maria da Graça Reis e Silva de Oliveira Neves
Title of Chapter Title of Book Authors (all, including CERIS members) Editors (all, including CERIS members) Year Book Series Publisher Edition DOI ISBN/ISSN CERIS Members
Production and Characterization of Polymeric Capsules Containing Rejuvenators for Asphalt Mixtures Self-healing Purposes Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering. From Current to Smart Technologies Micaelo, R.; Caeiro, A.; Baltazar, L.; Borges, J.P. Chastre, C.; Neves, J.; Ribeiro, D.; Pinho, F.F.S.; Biscaia, H.; Neves, M.G.; Faria, P.; Micaelo, R. 2023 RILEM Bookseries, Volume 41 Springer Cham 1 10.1007/978-3-031-29191-3_4 978-3-031-29191-3 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo
New Trends on Bio-cementation and Self-healing Testing Advances on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering – Materials, Structures and Buildings Micaelo, R.; Faria, P.; Cardoso, R. Chastre, C.; Neves, J.; Ribeiro, D.; Neves, M.G.; Faria, P. 2023 Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering Springer Cham 1 10.1007/978-3-031-23888-8_1 978-3-031-23888-8 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo, Maria Rafaela Pinheiro Cardoso, Maria Paulina Santos Forte de Faria Rodrigues
TRACC‐EXPERT: Tool for the selection of paving techniques adapted to climate change, Sustainability, Eco‐efficiency and Conservation in Transportation Infrastructure Asset Management Micaelo, R.; Quaresma, L.; Ferreira, A. 2014 978‐1‐315‐75712‐4 Rui Alexandre Lopes Baltazar Micaelo