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Research Group:
Environment and Water Resources

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Rui Twohig Hugman

Title Authors Year Volume DOI Journal Impact factor Clar.Analytics CERIS Members
Integration of Managed Aquifer Recharge into the Water Supply System in the Algarve Region, Portugal Standen, K.; Costa, L.; Hugman, R.; Monteiro, J.P. 2023 V. 15, n.º 12 (art. 2286) 10.3390/w15122286 Water 3.4 José Paulo Patrício Geraldes Monteiro, Rui Twohig Hugman
Decision-Support Groundwater Modelling of Managed Aquifer Recharge in a Coastal Aquifer in South Portugal Standen, K.; Hugman, R.; Monteiro, J.P. 2022 V. 10 (art. 904271) 10.3389/feart.2022.904271 Frontiers in Earth Science 3.661 José Paulo Patrício Geraldes Monteiro, Rui Twohig Hugman
The urban water metabolism of Cape Town: Towards becoming a water sensitive city Atkins, J.F.; Flügel, T.; Hugman, R. 2021 V. 117, n.º 5 (art. 8630) 10.17159/SAJS.2021/8630 South African Journal of Science 2.197 Rui Twohig Hugman
Predicting the impact of management and climate scenarios on groundwater nitrate concentration trends in southern Portugal [Prévision de l’impact de scénarios de gestion et climatiques sur les tendances d’évolution des concentrations en nitrate dans les eaux souterraines dans le sud du Portugal] [Previsão de impactos de gestão e de cenários climáticos nas tendências de concentração de nitratos na água subterrânea no sul de Portugal] [Predicción del impacto de la gestión y los escenarios climáticos en las tendencias de concentración de nitratos en las aguas subterráneas del sur de Portugal] Costa, L.R.D.; Hugman, R.T.; Stigter, T.Y.; Monteiro, J.P. 2021 V. 29, n.º 7 (2501-2516) 10.1007/s10040-021-02374-4 Hydrogeology Journal 3.178 José Paulo Patrício Geraldes Monteiro, Rui Twohig Hugman
Assessing the use of harvested greenhouse runoff for managed aquifer recharge to improve groundwater status in South Portugal da Costa, L.R.D.; Monteiro, J.P.P.G.; Hugman, R.T. 2020 V. 79, n.º 11 (art. 253) 10.1007/s12665-020-09003-5 Environmental Earth Sciences 2,784 José Paulo Patrício Geraldes Monteiro, Rui Twohig Hugman