General Info

Research Group:
Studies on Construction

Contact Info

Maria Cristina de Oliveira Matos Silva

Domain of activity:
Green roofs and green walls:
  1. Economic evaluation: retrofit in new/ existing buildings and rehabilitation of urban centres;
  2. Green roofs and green walls as part of the Nature-Based Solutions/Green Infrastructure of urban centers;
  3. Technical evaluation for different types of buildings;
  4. Inspections, anomalies and maintenance plans;
  5. Products development and optimization;
  6. Contribution for water management;
  7. Thermal evaluation in Mediterranean climate and energy savings when compared to traditional solutions;
  8. Coupling rainwater collection with green roofs - feasibility of collecting the runoff from the roof for various uses in and around a building.
Rainwater harvesting systems:
  1. Technical evaluation for different types of buildings;
  2. Water savings at different scales (e.g., building, parish, city);
  3. Retrofit in buildings and urban centres.
Title Authors Year Volume DOI Journal Impact factor Clar.Analytics CERIS Members
Inspection and numerical modeling of cracking in existing nonbearing walls Esteves, T.; Flores-Colen, I.; Silva, C.M. 2018 32, n.º 4 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001169 Inês dos Santos Flores Barbosa Colen, Maria Cristina de Oliveira Matos Silva
Technical-financial evaluation of rainwater harvesting systems in commercial buildings–case ase studies from Sonae Sierra in Portugal and Brazil Sousa, V.; Silva, C.M.; Meireles, I.C. 2018 25, n.º 20 10.1007/s11356-017-0648-0 Maria Cristina de Oliveira Matos Silva, Vitor Faria e Sousa
Eco-solutions for urban environments regeneration: The economic value of green roofs Teotónio, I.; Silva, C.M.; Cruz, C.O. 2018 199 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.084 Carlos Paulo Novais Oliveira da Silva Cruz, Maria Cristina de Oliveira Matos Silva